Jessica Alba Wishes Her Daughter To Be Trilingual

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The 29-year-old actress Jessica Alba wishes her daughter to be trilingual.
She wants her two-year-old child to be able to speak three languages and is trying to speak to her in multiple dialogues.

She told to media: "At hope I speak a little bit of Spanish to my daughter but its just basic stuff."My goal is for her to be trilingual. Because we're enrolling her in a French school and then she gets Spanish every day at the house."

Although Jessica is keeping busy teaching her daughter Spanish and English, she thinks she now has more time to be "wild" with her friends because she can bond with her pals after the youngster has gone to bed.

She said: "I think I'm actually a little more wild and free since I've had her because, once she's in bed, all my mom friends, we get together and have dance parties at the house. It sounds really dorky but its true.

"It's certainly something I wouldn't have done before."


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